XXV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

July 01-05, 2019, Novosibirsk

Author's Index

Author: Bashkuev Yu.B. (index)

List of reports:

  1. Bashkuev Yu.B.
      Analysis of ELF Field Variations in Eastern Russia
  2. Bashkuev Yu.B.
    Surface electromagnetic waves on ice-sea structures.
  3. Bashkuev Yu.B.
    Radio wave ELF-VLF diagnostics of the granitoid massif
  4. Bashkuev Yu.B.
    Surface impedance of thin ice-sea structure
  5. Bashkuev Yu.B.
    GPR survey of the ice cover of the Barguzinsky Bay
  6. Bashkuev Yu.B.
    Features of VLF radio noise variations in the seismically active Baikal rift zone
  7. Bashkuev Yu.B.
    VLF-LF and VHF radio wave diagnostics of tectonic disturbance zones
  8. M.G. Dembelov, Yu.B. Bashkuev
    Features of tropospheric refraction in the areas of Arctic and southern Siberia
